1 Corinthians

Chapter 1

1 Paul called2822 to be an apostle652 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 through1223 the will2307 of God,2316 and Sosthenes4988 our brother,80

2 To the church1577 of God2316 which3588 is at1722 Corinth,2882 to them that are sanctified37 in Christ5547 Jesus,2424 called2822 to be saints,40 with all3956 that in every3956 place5117 call1941 on the name3686 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 our Lord,2962 both5037 their's and our's:2257

3 Grace5485 be to you, and peace,1515 from God2316 our Father,3962 and from the Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ.5547

4 I thank2168 my God2316 always3842 on4012 your5216 behalf,4012 for the grace5485 of God2316 which3588 is given1325 you by Jesus2424 Christ;5547

5 That in every3956 thing you are enriched4148 by him, in all3956 utterance,3056 and in all3956 knowledge;1108

6 Even2531 as the testimony3142 of Christ5547 was confirmed950 in you:

7 So5620 that you come5302 behind5302 in no3367 gift;5486 waiting553 for the coming602 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ:5547

8 Who3739 shall also2532 confirm950 you to the end,5056 that you may be blameless410 in the day2250 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ.5547

9 God2316 is faithful,4103 by whom3739 you were called2564 to the fellowship2842 of his Son5207 Jesus2424 Christ5547 our Lord.2962

10 Now1161 I beseech3870 you, brothers,80 by the name3686 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 that you all3956 speak3004 the same846 thing, and that there be no3361 divisions4978 among1722 you; but that you be perfectly2675 joined2675 together2675 in the same846 mind3563 and in the same846 judgment.1106

11 For it has been declared1213 to me of you, my brothers,80 by them which are of the house of Chloe,5514 that there are contentions2054 among1722 you.

12 Now1161 this5124 I say,3004 that every1538 one of you said,3004 I am1510 of Paul; and I of Apollos;625 and I of Cephas;2786 and I of Christ.5547

13 Is Christ5547 divided?3307 was Paul crucified4717 for you? or2228 were you baptized907 in the name3686 of Paul?

14 I thank2168 God2316 that I baptized907 none3762 of you, but Crispus2921 and Gaius;1050

15 Lest2443 3361 any3387 should say2036 that I had baptized907 in my1699 own name.3686

16 And I baptized907 also2532 the household3624 of Stephanas:4734 besides,3063 I know1492 not whether1487 I baptized907 any1536 other.243

17 For Christ5547 sent649 me not to baptize,907 but to preach2097 the gospel:2097 not with wisdom4678 of words,3056 lest2443 3361 the cross4716 of Christ5547 should be made2758 of none2758 effect.2758

18 For the preaching3056 of the cross4716 is to them that perish622 foolishness;3472 but to us which are saved4982 it is the power1411 of God.2316

19 For it is written,1125 I will destroy622 the wisdom4678 of the wise,4680 and will bring114 to nothing114 the understanding4907 of the prudent.4908

20 Where4226 is the wise?4680 where4226 is the scribe?1122 where4226 is the disputer4804 of this5127 world?165 has not God2316 made3471 foolish3471 the wisdom4678 of this5127 world?2889

21 For after1894 that in the wisdom4678 of God2316 the world2889 by wisdom4678 knew1097 not God,2316 it pleased2106 God2316 by the foolishness3472 of preaching2782 to save4982 them that believe.4100

22 For the Jews2453 require154 a sign,4592 and the Greeks1672 seek2212 after wisdom:4678

23 But we preach2784 Christ5547 crucified,4717 to the Jews2453 a stumbling block,4625 and to the Greeks1672 foolishness;3472

24 But to them which3588 are called,2822 both5037 Jews2453 and Greeks,1672 Christ5547 the power1411 of God,2316 and the wisdom4678 of God.2316

25 Because3754 the foolishness3474 of God2316 is wiser4680 than men;444 and the weakness772 of God2316 is stronger2478 than men.444

26 For you see991 your5216 calling,2821 brothers,80 how that not many4183 wise4680 men after2596 the flesh,4561 not many4183 mighty,1415 not many4183 noble,2104 are called:

27 But God2316 has chosen1586 the foolish3474 things of the world2889 to confound2617 the wise;4680 and God2316 has chosen1586 the weak772 things of the world2889 to confound2617 the things which are mighty;2478

28 And base36 things of the world,2889 and things which are despised,1848 has God2316 chosen,1586 yes, and things which3588 are not, to bring2673 to nothing2673 things that are:

29 That no3361 3956 flesh4561 should glory2744 in his presence.1799

30 But of him are you in Christ5547 Jesus,2424 who3739 of God2316 is made1096 to us wisdom,4678 and righteousness,1343 and sanctification,38 and redemption:629

31 That, according2531 as it is written,1125 He that glories,2744 let him glory2744 in the Lord.2962



1 遵上帝旨、奉召爲耶穌基督使徒保羅及兄弟所提尼、

2 書達哥林多上帝會、宗基督耶穌成聖、蒙召爲聖徒、與隨在籲吾主耶穌基督名者、不第我主、亦彼主也、

3 願我父上帝、及主耶穌基督、賜爾恩寵平康、

4 上帝因基督耶穌、賜爾恩寵、故我爲爾衆恆謝上帝、

5 蓋爾蒙其厚賚、大獲口才智慧、

6 而基督之道、得徵明於爾中、

7 使爾曹恩賜罔缺、望吾主耶穌基督顯日、

8 其將堅爾、至終無責、迨我主耶穌基督至、

9 上帝召爾、共宗其子吾主耶穌基督者、其言有斷然焉、

10 緣吾主耶穌基督名勸兄弟、論宜同、無紛爭、一心一意、翕然契合、

11 革來氏家人告我、言爾中有爭、

12 我亦云、爾中有言宗保羅、宗亞波羅、宗磯法、宗基督者、

13 基督豈有別乎、保羅豈爲爾釘十字架、抑爾藉保羅名領洗乎、

14 我謝上帝、於基士部、迦猶外、未嘗施洗爾中一人、

15 免人言我藉己名施洗焉、

16 吾亦施洗士提反家人、其餘施洗、或有或無、則忘之矣、

17 蓋基督遣我、非以施洗、乃傳福音、吾不憑智言者、恐基督釘十字架之道、歸於無有、

18 夫十字架之道、沉淪者視爲不智、我儕得救者、視爲上帝大用、

19 經云、我將敗智者之智、廢賢者之賢、

20 智者安在、士子安在、世之辯者又安在、豈非上帝以此世之智爲不智乎、

21 世人恃其智、不識上帝、故上帝喜以若愚之道、救諸信者、斯上帝之智也、

22 猶太人索異蹟、希利尼人求智慧、

23 余傳基督釘十字架之道、猶太人以爲可厭、希利尼人以爲不智、

24 惟奉召者、則無論猶太、希利尼、皆以基督爲上帝大用、上帝智慧、

25 蓋上帝卽不智、亦智於人、上帝卽不能、亦能於人、

26 兄弟乎、爾之奉召可見矣、貌爲智爲能爲貴者、不多蒙召、

27 乃上帝選世之不智、以愧智者、選世之不能、以愧能者、

28 且選世之不貴者、見棄者、人視爲無有者、以廢世之有者、

29 故上帝前、無人得自誇、

30 上帝感爾、俾宗基督耶穌、而智由以成、義由以稱、聖由以作、罪由以贖、其實皆由上帝也、

31 經云、誇者當以主而誇也、〇

1 Corinthians

Chapter 1



1 Paul called2822 to be an apostle652 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 through1223 the will2307 of God,2316 and Sosthenes4988 our brother,80

1 遵上帝旨、奉召爲耶穌基督使徒保羅及兄弟所提尼、

2 To the church1577 of God2316 which3588 is at1722 Corinth,2882 to them that are sanctified37 in Christ5547 Jesus,2424 called2822 to be saints,40 with all3956 that in every3956 place5117 call1941 on the name3686 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 our Lord,2962 both5037 their's and our's:2257

2 書達哥林多上帝會、宗基督耶穌成聖、蒙召爲聖徒、與隨在籲吾主耶穌基督名者、不第我主、亦彼主也、

3 Grace5485 be to you, and peace,1515 from God2316 our Father,3962 and from the Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ.5547

3 願我父上帝、及主耶穌基督、賜爾恩寵平康、

4 I thank2168 my God2316 always3842 on4012 your5216 behalf,4012 for the grace5485 of God2316 which3588 is given1325 you by Jesus2424 Christ;5547

4 上帝因基督耶穌、賜爾恩寵、故我爲爾衆恆謝上帝、

5 That in every3956 thing you are enriched4148 by him, in all3956 utterance,3056 and in all3956 knowledge;1108

5 蓋爾蒙其厚賚、大獲口才智慧、

6 Even2531 as the testimony3142 of Christ5547 was confirmed950 in you:

6 而基督之道、得徵明於爾中、

7 So5620 that you come5302 behind5302 in no3367 gift;5486 waiting553 for the coming602 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ:5547

7 使爾曹恩賜罔缺、望吾主耶穌基督顯日、

8 Who3739 shall also2532 confirm950 you to the end,5056 that you may be blameless410 in the day2250 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ.5547

8 其將堅爾、至終無責、迨我主耶穌基督至、

9 God2316 is faithful,4103 by whom3739 you were called2564 to the fellowship2842 of his Son5207 Jesus2424 Christ5547 our Lord.2962

9 上帝召爾、共宗其子吾主耶穌基督者、其言有斷然焉、

10 Now1161 I beseech3870 you, brothers,80 by the name3686 of our Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 that you all3956 speak3004 the same846 thing, and that there be no3361 divisions4978 among1722 you; but that you be perfectly2675 joined2675 together2675 in the same846 mind3563 and in the same846 judgment.1106

10 緣吾主耶穌基督名勸兄弟、論宜同、無紛爭、一心一意、翕然契合、

11 For it has been declared1213 to me of you, my brothers,80 by them which are of the house of Chloe,5514 that there are contentions2054 among1722 you.

11 革來氏家人告我、言爾中有爭、

12 Now1161 this5124 I say,3004 that every1538 one of you said,3004 I am1510 of Paul; and I of Apollos;625 and I of Cephas;2786 and I of Christ.5547

12 我亦云、爾中有言宗保羅、宗亞波羅、宗磯法、宗基督者、

13 Is Christ5547 divided?3307 was Paul crucified4717 for you? or2228 were you baptized907 in the name3686 of Paul?

13 基督豈有別乎、保羅豈爲爾釘十字架、抑爾藉保羅名領洗乎、

14 I thank2168 God2316 that I baptized907 none3762 of you, but Crispus2921 and Gaius;1050

14 我謝上帝、於基士部、迦猶外、未嘗施洗爾中一人、

15 Lest2443 3361 any3387 should say2036 that I had baptized907 in my1699 own name.3686

15 免人言我藉己名施洗焉、

16 And I baptized907 also2532 the household3624 of Stephanas:4734 besides,3063 I know1492 not whether1487 I baptized907 any1536 other.243

16 吾亦施洗士提反家人、其餘施洗、或有或無、則忘之矣、

17 For Christ5547 sent649 me not to baptize,907 but to preach2097 the gospel:2097 not with wisdom4678 of words,3056 lest2443 3361 the cross4716 of Christ5547 should be made2758 of none2758 effect.2758

17 蓋基督遣我、非以施洗、乃傳福音、吾不憑智言者、恐基督釘十字架之道、歸於無有、

18 For the preaching3056 of the cross4716 is to them that perish622 foolishness;3472 but to us which are saved4982 it is the power1411 of God.2316

18 夫十字架之道、沉淪者視爲不智、我儕得救者、視爲上帝大用、

19 For it is written,1125 I will destroy622 the wisdom4678 of the wise,4680 and will bring114 to nothing114 the understanding4907 of the prudent.4908

19 經云、我將敗智者之智、廢賢者之賢、

20 Where4226 is the wise?4680 where4226 is the scribe?1122 where4226 is the disputer4804 of this5127 world?165 has not God2316 made3471 foolish3471 the wisdom4678 of this5127 world?2889

20 智者安在、士子安在、世之辯者又安在、豈非上帝以此世之智爲不智乎、

21 For after1894 that in the wisdom4678 of God2316 the world2889 by wisdom4678 knew1097 not God,2316 it pleased2106 God2316 by the foolishness3472 of preaching2782 to save4982 them that believe.4100

21 世人恃其智、不識上帝、故上帝喜以若愚之道、救諸信者、斯上帝之智也、

22 For the Jews2453 require154 a sign,4592 and the Greeks1672 seek2212 after wisdom:4678

22 猶太人索異蹟、希利尼人求智慧、

23 But we preach2784 Christ5547 crucified,4717 to the Jews2453 a stumbling block,4625 and to the Greeks1672 foolishness;3472

23 余傳基督釘十字架之道、猶太人以爲可厭、希利尼人以爲不智、

24 But to them which3588 are called,2822 both5037 Jews2453 and Greeks,1672 Christ5547 the power1411 of God,2316 and the wisdom4678 of God.2316

24 惟奉召者、則無論猶太、希利尼、皆以基督爲上帝大用、上帝智慧、

25 Because3754 the foolishness3474 of God2316 is wiser4680 than men;444 and the weakness772 of God2316 is stronger2478 than men.444

25 蓋上帝卽不智、亦智於人、上帝卽不能、亦能於人、

26 For you see991 your5216 calling,2821 brothers,80 how that not many4183 wise4680 men after2596 the flesh,4561 not many4183 mighty,1415 not many4183 noble,2104 are called:

26 兄弟乎、爾之奉召可見矣、貌爲智爲能爲貴者、不多蒙召、

27 But God2316 has chosen1586 the foolish3474 things of the world2889 to confound2617 the wise;4680 and God2316 has chosen1586 the weak772 things of the world2889 to confound2617 the things which are mighty;2478

27 乃上帝選世之不智、以愧智者、選世之不能、以愧能者、

28 And base36 things of the world,2889 and things which are despised,1848 has God2316 chosen,1586 yes, and things which3588 are not, to bring2673 to nothing2673 things that are:

28 且選世之不貴者、見棄者、人視爲無有者、以廢世之有者、

29 That no3361 3956 flesh4561 should glory2744 in his presence.1799

29 故上帝前、無人得自誇、

30 But of him are you in Christ5547 Jesus,2424 who3739 of God2316 is made1096 to us wisdom,4678 and righteousness,1343 and sanctification,38 and redemption:629

30 上帝感爾、俾宗基督耶穌、而智由以成、義由以稱、聖由以作、罪由以贖、其實皆由上帝也、

31 That, according2531 as it is written,1125 He that glories,2744 let him glory2744 in the Lord.2962

31 經云、誇者當以主而誇也、〇